To:                  Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) board members

From:             Tegin Teich, Executive Director; David Mohler, MassDOT, MPO Board Chair; and Marc Draisen, MAPC, MPO Board Vice Chair

Subject:         Framework for developing a Boston Region MPO Operations Plan

Date:              March 23, 2022


The 2011 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Relating to the Comprehensive, Continuing, and Cooperative Transportation Planning Process in the Boston Metropolitan Area1 requires the MPO to create an operations plan to address administration and finance, programming, policy, and technical products.


The lack of an existing operations plan was noted in the review findings of the 2019 Transportation Planning Certification Review of the Boston Region MPO final report.2

The federal report recommended that the MPO develop an operations plan that should


clarify roles and responsibilities among [the Boston Region MPO] members and staff, particularly among CTPS, MAPC, and MassDOT, pertaining to collaboration, communication, work assignments, and products. Additionally, it should provide further clarification on the roles of the Chair and Vice-chair, define officer roles for subcommittees, and identify other necessary processes to support an effective 3C process and facilitate BRMPO operations as the regional forum for transportation decision-making.3


While the operations plan is required, the process for developing the operations plan is at the discretion of the board members. Board members could establish an ad hoc Operations Plan Committee. Board members could discuss and reach consensus on the facilitator or chair of that committee, or they could respond to a recommendation from a subset of board members. Board member volunteers for the committee could work with the facilitator or chair of the committee to develop a work plan for the committee and expectations for periodic updates from the committee to the full board. 


The following list of proposed topics for the operations plan is based on the MOU requirements and federal certification recommendations. The proposed topics are intended to provide a starting framework for developing the operations plan. The presence of a topic in this list does not indicate a presupposition that the status quo needs to be adjusted. In some cases, for example, the committee or board members might discuss a topic, and resolve it by deciding to retain the status quo.  In other cases, they may decide that an existing policy or process may only need documentation in the operations plan if it is not formalized elsewhere. If, on the other hand, the MPO decides to adjust certain policies or processes, those decisions may, in certain circumstances, require amending the existing MOU.


Election of board members


Officers of the MPO board


Board member roles and representatives


MPO board meetings


Standing and ad hoc committees


MassDOT information updates


MPO Executive Director


MPO work products


Maintenance of the Operations Plan


Next Steps

Upon reviewing this memorandum, MPO board members are asked to discuss the topic areas and process described in this memorandum and establish the next steps for launching the development of the operations plan.





3 Source: Transportation Planning Certification Review of the Boston Region MPO final report (2019), p 13.