FFY 2023 UPWP Amendment Two

Project Number Project Programmed
FFY 2023 Budget
Proposed Change Proposed Revised FFY 2023 Budget Comments
8723 MPO Resiliency Program  $44,000 $67,000 $111,000 Increased emphasis on resilience program with the hiring of a resilience planner and a co-op student to support the program.
9723 MPO General Editorial  $174,000 $65,000 $239,000 A new approach to budgeting this line item in FFY 2023 underestimated the resouerces needed.
9223 MPO General Graphics  $243,500 $55,500 $299,000 A new approach to budgeting this line item in FFY 2023 underestimated the resources needed.
8123 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)  $362,500 $50,000 $412,500 Unanticipated delay in FFY 2022 work that was shifted to FFY 2023.
13807 Learning from Roadway Pricing Experiences $45,000 $20,000 $65,000 Unanticipated engagement with Congestion Management Process (CMP) Committee over workshops to select roadway pricing programs and review the results from peer agency interviews.
2523 Bicycle and Pedestrian Support Activities  $83,500 $15,000 $98,500 Additional budget allocated to engage in a gaps analysis to identify gaps in the bicycle network. 
9623 Public Engagement Process $278,000 $14,000 $292,000 Additional budget allocated to account for adjustments to the compensation of staff involved. 
9323 Regional Transportation Advisory Council (RTAC)  $18,000 $9,000 $27,000 Additional budget allocated to account for additional administrative support required and to account for adjustments to the compensation of staff involved. 
9123 Support to the MPO and its Committees  $355,088 $8,500 $363,588 Increased to accommodate both changes in staffing and compensation.
8323 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)  $101,500 $7,500 $109,000 Increased to engage more staff across the agency in UPWP development.
2223 Freight Planning Support  $93,000 ($35,000) $58,000 Unanticipated staff departures and delays in recruitment. Recruiting for freight planner in June/July 2023. 
8923 Transit Working Group Support  $42,000 ($25,000) $17,000 Unanticipated staff departures and delays in recruitment.
8223 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)  $323,000 ($32,000) $291,000 Correction to adjust staff hours to account for separate Transit Transformation work scope.
9523 Professional Development  $80,000 ($33,000) $47,000 Staff training that was planned for FFY 2023 has been delayed to FFY 2024. 
8823 Performance-Based Planning and Programming  $117,000 ($36,500) $80,500 Unanticipated staff departure resulting in less time than initially assumed for senior staff.
7123 Regional Model Enhancement  $890,000 ($150,000) $740,000 Unanticipated staff departures and delays in recruitment.
  Total $3,250,088 $0 $3,250,088