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Welcome to the development page for the FFYs 2025–29 TIP! Please refer to the timeline to the right for upcoming milestones, meetings, and events.
Overall TIP Process
October–December: Gather information about possible projects from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), member municipalities, and the public.
December–February: Analyze and evaluate potential design and construction projects based on the MPO’s evaluation criteria.
March: Recommend projects for funding to the MPO based on the MPO staff’s evaluations and factors, such as regional and statewide priorities, project cost, project readiness, regional distribution of funding, and other planning priorities and constraints.
April–May: Prepare to release the draft TIP document for public review; incorporate feedback from municipalities and the public; agree on a final list of transportation construction projects to program with federal funding; and endorse the final TIP by June 6th, 2024.
Project Initiation
- Municipal TIP contacts are responsible for communicating with MPO staff about TIP project-related matters. MPO staff created several resources to guide TIP contacts and project proponents. To review key information and to submit data that the MPO needs to evaluate a project, see the Project Evaluation section below. For a step-by-step overview of the TIP Process, review the TIP How-To Presentation.
- To be considered for TIP funding, a project must be approved by MassDOT’s Project Review Committee. Projects must be submitted to MassDOT through the Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT), a web-based application that facilitates the completion of the required Project Need Form and Project Scoping Form. To access MaPIT, project proponents must obtain a login for MassDOT’s GeoDOT Open Data Portal and navigate to the Project Intake Tool. Please note that projects under consideration for funding through the MPO’s Community Connections and Transit Modernization Programs do not need to be initiated through MassDOT. Please refer to the MassDOT Highway project initiation guide for any initiation questions.
Project Applications and Evaluation
The MPO considers projects for funding through its six investment programs. Two application workflows are available, with one workflow for Community Connections applications and a separate one for all other investment programs. When applying for TIP funding, please use the links below to review how each project is considered and to access the application portal for each project type. Proponents who are unsure of which application to submit should contact MPO staff for more information.
Core Investment Programs:
Please use the main Application Portal for any applications for Bicycle Network and Pedestrian Connections, Complete Streets, Intersection Improvements, and Transit Transformation Projects. Applicants interested in the MPO’s Project Design Pilot should also use this form, and select the investment program their project best fits.
Note: The Transit Transformation Application includes the Transit Signal Priority and Bus Lanes applications previously included in the MPO’s Community Connections investment program. Municipal proponents seeking projects that are not transit signal priority or bus lane investments should contact MPO staff, who will advise on which application form is most suitable.
Community Connections Program:
Please use the Community Connections Application Portal for any applications for Bikeshare (Expansion and Repair/Replacement), Bicycle Racks, Wayfinding Signage, Bicycle Lanes, and/or Microtransit Pilot Projects.
Major Infrastructure Program:
Note: MPO Staff will determine if a project application in the above programs can be classified as a Major Infrastructure and will evaluate accordingly. Major infrastructure projects may cost more than $50 million, improve roadway facilities that are important to regional travel, and/or extend or add new rail or fixed guideway transit connections.
MPO’s TIP Resources:
MassDOT Project References:
- MassDOT Highway Project Development Tools
- Design Guides and Manuals
- Safe Routes to School Funding Programs
- MassDOT Highway Project Information Database
Federal Guidance:
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) web page
- FHWA BIL Fact Sheets
- Federal Transit Administration (FTA) BIL web page
- FTA Transit Funding Grants
Ethan Lapointe, TIP Manager