Performance-based Planning and Programming

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The Boston Region MPO envisions an equitable, pollution-free, and modern regional transportation system that gets people to their destinations safely, easily, and reliably, and that supports an inclusive, resilient, healthy, and economically vibrant Boston region.

-Destination 2050 Vision 

The MPO uses a performance-based planning and programming (PBPP) process to assess how its spending decisions support progress toward this vision. PBPP processes include three phases: 1) Plan, 2) Invest, and 3) Monitor and Evaluate.

  • Plan: Establish the goals and objectives, performance measures, and targets that will guide MPO decision-making, and identify and acquire necessary data. 
  • Invest: Use the framework established in the planning phase to create a strategy for investing MPO funds. 
  • Monitor and Evaluate: Review and report on the outcomes of MPO investment decisions with respect to performance measures and targets, and determine what framework or strategy adjustments are needed.  

PBPP activities help the MPO make informed decisions in accountable, transparent ways. PBPP shapes the MPO’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). PBPP is also integrated into the MPO’s decision-making on planning emphasis areas and studies conducted via the Unified Planning Work Program. Data and analyses from the Congestion Management Process support the PBPP process.

Please refer to Boston Region MPO Performance-based Planning and Programming (PDF) Boston Region MPO Performance-based Planning and Programming (HTML) for additional information about PBPP concepts, related federal requirements, and the MPO’s PBPP process.

For the MPO’s most recent LRTP systems performance report, which describes the MPO’s baseline values and targets for its performance measures, see the Systems Performance Report chapter (PDF) Systems Performance Report chapter (HTML) of the Destination 2050 plan. For a performance analysis of the MPO’s current TIP, which describes the MPO’s performance targets and how projects in the TIP may improve performance, see the Performance Analysis chapter (PDF) Performance Analysis chapter (HTML) in the federal fiscal years 2024–28 TIP.

Recent Activities and MPO Actions

The US Department of Transportation requires states, MPOs, and operators of public transportation to establish targets for performance measures in key areas. The MPO will set targets on an ongoing basis for specific federally required performance measures, and it will coordinate on PBPP activities with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) and other regional transit authorities, and other MPOs and stakeholders. The MPO has recently adopted the following sets of performance targets to meet federal requirements and create an effective, integrated, and informative PBPP process.

Past Targets and Performance

For information on other target-setting efforts from previous years, visit the PBPP Archive page.

Performance Dashboard: Transportation in the Boston Region

This interactive dashboard tells the story of how the Boston region’s transportation system has changed over time. Explore data on highway and transit safety, transit asset condition, bridge and pavement condition, congestion, air quality, and travel times.  

Stay Informed

The MPO welcomes your feedback on the PBPP process, including the selection of measures, targets, and projects to improve the transportation system’s performance.


Sam Taylor 
MPO staff 